Power Lunch

Daily Devotional – I’m Normal.™  I AM Ministries

“To promote Godly living in a culture committed to destroying it”

Normal I AM

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Power Lunch

Top executives frequently reserve a private room to host a special meal for their inner circle of colleagues, often disclosing future company events and initiatives. Only the privileged are asked to participate, with attendees invited on a need-to-know basis. Conversely, at these power lunches, attendees use the opportunity to impress the executive, advancing their agendas in hopes of future promotions or business opportunities.

For His last meal, Jesus booked a private room to hold what His disciples considered a power lunch. The disciples constituted His Earthly inner circle, and were indeed privileged to be invited. This was arguably history’s most important meal, where Jesus would hold the Last Supper and give us the New Covenant of salvation in His blood. Yet just as in a business situation, His disciples, unaware of the full significance of the occasion, focused on advancing their own careers and promoting their own desires instead of His.

Overall, the mood before the meal was probably a bit somber. Each disciple sensed Jesus was on the verge of announcing something significant. Each man must have been wondering how Jesus’ announcement would impact him. None of them knew that, in only a few short hours, their world would be shattered – Judas would betray Christ, Peter would deny Jesus three times, Christ would be crucified, and in three days He would be resurrected. The disciples had the mistaken notion Jesus would reveal something relating to a plan to overthrow the Romans and liberate His People, the Jews, from hated Roman occupation.

As they gathered expectantly for the meal, the disciples kibitzed about who would occupy the various anticipated positions in Jesus’ new government cabinet. They lobbyed and jockeyed for position in preparation for this power lunch with The Master. At the perfect time, Jesus summoned His disciples into the room where they would celebrate the Passover Seder meal.

The presentation of food did nothing to quell the debates regarding who should be honored in the new order. In fact, the debates escalated into disagreements. Arguments erupted and tempers flared. Each disciple bragged about himself and said demeaning things about his brothers. Sadly, Jesus had just finished giving us the New Covenant in His blood when the dispute flared to a head. Instead of being awed and amazed at the revelation, disciples persisted in asking Jesus who was the greatest among them (Luke 22:24). They had missed the message completely.

Moreover, the discussion indicated the disciples had no clue about the message Jesus had been revealing to them for the past three years. They mistakenly thought, along with the Pharisees, His mission included Earthly power and displacing the Romans. They expected Jesus to be king and they would become important members of His cabinet. Once again, the disciples demonstrated how they focused on Earthly rather than spiritual kingdoms. How frustrated and disappointed Jesus must have been!

Mercifully, Jesus, with His normal grace, did not react harshly to these apparent ingrates. Instead, Jesus tenderly explained the ways of Earthly kings and lords, gently reminding His followers they must focus on becoming the least so they can become the greatest (Luke 22:25-29).

How fortunate for us that Jesus gives us the same grace when we try to exalt ourselves instead of submitting to the will of His Father and His Kingdom. We are simply 21st century counterparts to His disciples, eager to advance our own selfish agendas instead of His. As Paul tells us, “For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 2:21). In His infinite mercy, Christ rebukes still us gently.

Our behaviors mimic those of Christ’s first disciples. We argue how our talents should allow us to ascend to the choice positions – the important committees, boards, and councils so we can contribute our brilliant advice and reap Earthly rewards. We seldom fight to take on the subservient, menial, behind-the-scenes tasks – the “grunt work”. We seek the spotlight where we can draw human recognition and applause. We want to be the one with the authority to commission the next power lunch.

Today is the day God gives each of us to change our thinking. Today is the day we have the chance to be the last instead of the first so we can become the greatest in His eyes. This is the day the LORD hath made. It is normal to serve Him in all we do. Will your power lunch today focus on advancing His Kingdom or your own?

In His love and service,

Jeff Myers
A servant of Jesus Christ


© Copyright 2016, I’m Normal.™  I AM Ministries, All rights reserved

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