The Power of I AM

Daily Devotional – I’m Normal.™  I AM Ministries

“To promote Godly living in a culture committed to destroying it”

Normal I AM

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Power of I AM

Our God, the Eternal, Almighty One, has infinite power, which He has displayed many times for us to see. He is a self-existent God, a being in and of Himself, with no dependence on any other, complete and eternal just the way He is. His power is beyond our comprehension, with even His name, I AM, capable of demonstrating His greatness. May all glory honor and praise go the I AM God.

God first revealed the power of His name to Moses while he was in Midian tending sheep. God told Moses to tell the Israelites that “I AM has sent me to you” so His enslaved people would recognize His power (Exodus 3:14). Simply by the virtue in and the power of God’s name, the Israelites believed and were delivered from slavery.

Jesus, as God Himself, also has the title and power that come in the name of the I AM God, and He demonstrated this clearly just before His death. When Judas led a detachment of soldiers to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18:3-8), Jesus used His name “I AM” to display once again the awesome power contained therein.

To the observer, the situation looked incredibly bleak (John 18:1-6). To the disciples, the detachment of Roman soldiers must have been terrifying, and surely Jesus’ chosen ones feared for their lives. The soldiers were Rome’s best. They were trained killers and arrived in full battle dress, ready to fight if necessary. Their power seemed overwhelming and unstoppable. However, it was Jesus who had the real power and He demonstrated the power of His name during this dramatic encounter.

Instead of cowering at the sight of the multitude of soldiers sent to arrest Him, Jesus stepped forward boldly and asked them “Who is it that you want?” Because Jesus is in control of the Heavens and the Earth, He was not shy in taking control of this human situation. When the soldiers answered “Jesus of Nazareth”, Jesus invoked the power of His name. Jesus responded by saying “I AM He” (John 18:5). In fact, Jesus said only “I AM” because the pronoun “He” does not appear in the original text. It is merely implied, and, in fact, unneeded. The power of I AM is sufficient.

When the words “I AM” were spoken, the name of the Living God, the detachment of soldiers was thunderstruck. They were leveled, falling to the ground (John 18:6). They not only fell down, they were sent reeling backwards, toppled by the pronouncement of God’s Holy name. The soldiers did not fall forward, humbling themselves before the LORD of the Universe. Instead, they were tossed back like blades of grass in the wind, cut down by the voice of God in the flesh.

Jesus Christ had declared “I AM He”, I AM. Christ proved He was far more than just a man and far more powerful than any army man could muster. Only He, the Eternal, Almighty God Himself could rightfully claim the eternal title of I AM. Simply by virtue of His name, He proved He could render helpless the most powerful armies on Earth. This demonstration of His power was also a great encouragement to His disciples.

Still reeling from their experience, the soldiers did not understand fully the power standing before them. They were face-to-face with the LORD God, who had the power to dispose His enemies any way He wished. Jesus could have easily struck them dead on the spot, no questions asked. Jesus had the power to send them to Hell, eternally damned for their sins.

Jesus shows us His power is so great He does not have to use vengeance in His righteous anger. Instead, Jesus shows us the great power that comes with the love of God for all men. Instead of striking into oblivion the very ones who sought to destroy Him, Jesus, in His patient and compassionate love for all men, provided them an opportunity to repent. He asked them again, “Who is it that you want?” His question provided both the call and the space to recognize who He was and to repent of their wicked ways. With their hardened hearts, however, they failed to recognize their final opportunity to save themselves. Had they only recognized His voice (John 10:4), they would have been with Jesus for eternity (John 3:16).

Have you recognized the name of the Living, I AM God? Are you aware of the awesome power in His name? Have you fallen to your knees to worship Him in humility or will He need to knock you backwards to get your attention? Jesus showed us here how He is willing to offer opportunities to repent, but He also has the right to limit your chances. If you do not confess Him as LORD before you die, you will have lost your chance (Romans 10:9-10). You must confess the power of I AM if you want to enter His Heavenly Kingdom (John 14:6).

It is normal for our God to show us and to use the power in His name. His name, I AM, shows He is an Eternal Being, the One who has always been and who always will be. There was never a time when He was not. He is the First and the Last, and everything in between. Such is the nature of His being and power, and it’s all contained in His name, I AM.

In His love and service,

Jeff Myers
A servant of Jesus Christ


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