Power and Grace

Daily Devotional – I’m Normal.™  I AM Ministries

“To promote Godly living in a culture committed to destroying it”

Normal I AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Power and Grace

The sudden storm had reached the peak of its frenzy. With the wind howling and the waves tossing the small boat violently, Jesus’ disciples panicked in the frenzy of the tempest. The men destined to be the foundations of Christ’s Church on Earth feared they would drown in the unexpected gale. Anxiously regarding their fate, they woke Jesus, who was sleeping, and cried out to Him, saying, “LORD, save us! We are going to drown!” (Matthew 8:25).

Jesus awoke in what seemed to the disciples to be just in the nick of time. One of His attributes is He is always almost late – another way of saying He is always just on time, always perfect, even when storms wreak havoc in our lives. Christ may sleep when His Church is in a storm, but He will not out-sleep Himself even though we often conclude He is resting. He sleeps not out of unconcern or inattention; rather, He allows us to struggle for a season so as to increase our faith and reliance in Him. The time, the set and perfect time, for Him to favor His Church will come and He will not be late. (Psalm 102:13).

A good teacher will correct a student who fails a test and the disciples had just been tested. Performing His didactic duty, Christ immediately rebuked His disciples for their failure to trust Him. “You of little faith, why are you so afraid? (Matthew 8:26). He did not scold them, nor does He scold us, for interrupting Him with prayers. Instead, He scolds for disturbing Him with fears and worry, about which we have been counseled (Matthew 6:34). As followers of Jesus Christ, what have we to fear? We should let the sinners be afraid, for we have eternal life through Him, whereas the lost are doomed to an eternal peril. His grace flows to those who cling to Him, even through life’s storms.

Many who have true faith are weak in it, and little fruit results. Christ’s disciples were weak at this point, but would later display great power through their faith deepened by subsequent trials. They were alarmed by their senses on this stormy day and tormented themselves unnecessarily, for they had Christ with them. We should mind our own dismal conclusions when things go sour, remembering Christ’s promise and grace. His grace offers undeserved favor, such as when we forget His promises in the midst of trials.

As reassurance to His disciples, Jesus performed an act of supreme power. He rebuked the winds and the waves, and calmed the stormy seas. His grace and power were displayed simultaneously. He is the God of nature, the sovereign God of the world, who can do whatever He pleases for us. The Psalmist tells us it is His power that stills the roaring noise of the seas and the crashing of the waves (Psalm 65:7), the same power that created Heaven and Earth (Genesis 1:1).

Christ performed this miracle with ease. By simply speaking, He calmed the roiling waters. Moses required a rod when he commanded the waters, Joshua needed the ark, and Elisha the prophet’s mantle, but our LORD Jesus Christ needed but a word. He has absolute power and dominion over all creatures and features of the world. For this we should give Him all glory, honor, and praise, for He has the power. How grateful and happy we should be to have Him on our side.

This message was not lost on Jesus’ disciples and they marveled at His power. As men of the sea, they had never before seen waters quelled so quickly and completely. One second the storm raged, the next there was perfect calm. What a metaphor for Jesus great calming power in our lives.

It is normal to admire Christ for His power and grace. There is none other so wise, so mighty, so amiable, or so full of grace as He. If even the winds and the sea obey, how much more should we obey as recipients of His mercy. He who can do this, can do anything, and can do enough to encourage us and our confidence and comfort in Him, even in times of trial. Praise Him today for the power and grace He brings to our lives.

In His love and service,

Jeff Myers
A servant of Jesus Christ


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